
New requirements of the Central Bank of Russia for residents on contributions to the authorized capital of foreign companies

According to the Decision of the Working Group of the Bank of Russia dated 06.03.2024 № PRG-12-3/534 "On Consideration of Issues of Issuance of Permits for Carrying out (Execution) of Operations (Transactions), in respect of which prohibitions (restrictions) on their performance are established in connection with unfriendly actions of foreign states", from April 1, 2024 the conditions for carrying out operations on payment for shares, contributions, units in the authorized capital of legal entities - non-residents are changed, also it concerns payment of contribution by residents within the framework of execution of simple partnership agreements with capital investments. Now the implementation of these transactions will be allowed without obtaining individual authorization from the Bank of Russia. However, the total amount of funds under the transactions should not exceed RUB 15 000 000 (at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia on the date of payment). Transactions may be made in rubles or foreign currency, regardless of the location of the recipient of the funds. That is, the aggregate volume of resident's transactions in favor of one non-resident legal entity should not exceed the established amount.

Previously, according to the Decision of the Working Group of the Bank of Russia of 23.06.2022 № PRG-12-4/1383[1] limit of RUB 15 000 000 applied to transactions in foreign currency of "unfriendly" states, and for transactions in rubles or foreign currency of a "friendly" state, individual authorization of the Bank of Russia was not required.

[1] Decision of the Working Group of the Bank of Russia of 23.06.2022 No. PRG-12-4/1383 "On Consideration of Issues of Issuance of Permits for Performing (Executing) Transactions by Residents, Non-Residents, in respect of Which Prohibitions (Restrictions) on Their Performance are Established in Connection with Unfriendly Actions of Foreign States".

Additional: Presidential Decree of 18.03.2022 No. 126 (ed. 18.12.2023) “On additional temporary measures of economic nature to ensure financial stability of the Russian Federation in the sphere of currency regulation”.
2024-03-18 20:42